Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well i am about to leave and get on bus!! So i will not be updating for about 10 days...don't worry though i will write all about the week once i get back!! thanks for your prayers.

love, Liz

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On the Road Agian!

Well just to keep yall in the know, I leave for New Mexico tomorrow morning around 830 here or 1030 Texas time! We are taking about 30 people to glorieta for collegiate week! I am so excited. I have only heard good thing about this camp and know it is going to unite all of us going before the school year begins!

I was asked to be on the northwest mission committee. This group of people checks into mission trips for the summer of 09 and then goes through the applications and interviews students in the spring and decides where to place them for the summer. I super excited to see where that leads.

We are driving there and so it is very close to same drive me and my mom just finished. I am going in thinking positivly and know that God is going to use this drive just as much as he is going to use the week that lies after it.

Pray that Gods will for all us will be shown. That we will be broken before the throne.

Thank yall so much for you support and if i can ask a favor and that is if you are reading this and you have a moment to spare please leave a comment. I can not tell you how encouraging it is to get on here and see that people are interested in what is going on and well that you are thinking of me.

I miss you all!


Monday, July 21, 2008

I am HERE!!!

Well after a three day drive, me and my mom made it safely to washington!! There were alot of fun memories made along the way and some very funny quotes that now hang on my wall!

SAdly, i dropped my mom off at the airport this morning, it was alot harder then i once thought it would be. However, My apartment looks GREAT thanks to her help! (Ill post pics soon).

TOday i hung out in spokane (about 2 hours away from pullman, it is where the airport is located) after dropping my mom off. I am starting to get more aquated with the state of washington and finding it sometimes but not always difficult to get around!

Here are some pics taken along the way...sorry they are neat but it is the best i can do!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

The given Charge!

I like to think that when God calls you to do something or live a certain lifestyle He will place a charge on your live. I also choose to believe that if you listen closely He will give you verses to live my and to call on in time of need.
It is nothing new that i am leaving the comforts of home to move to a new place and to live amongst college students and be a witness for Christ in their everyday life's. Well, all semester long I have read the book of Joshua and wondering why God kept bringing me back to these pages and to these verses and then this past week it clicked in my head this is my charge from God. These words are what i am suppose to live my in the coming weeks and cling to in the time ahead!
Joshua 1 hits home in three different place and I know will aide me in different parts of my journey.
first the book starts of by the Lord telling Joshua to get up and move on. This is the place where I find myself right now. Having just finished school the feeling of mourning can very easily come upon me and allow me to wallow in the unknown. Just like Joshua I fell like this time in my life The Lord is saying OK now get up and move on, follow what I said and all will turn out just the way I planned. God clarifies this in following verses. Verse 3 The Lord says he will give him the land that he promised Moses, Verse 5 says no one will stand up against him. Now i know i will face opposition and that there will be times of what fells like nothingness I know that I can claim the call the Lord gave Joshua and learn that where ever the Lord leads you he will go before and prepare and be with you in the time you are there.
This leads to point 2 5B "I will never leave you nor forsake you". what a great verse to claim. I know that this will be a verse i say over and over again in the time ahead. but the great thing about this verse is the fact that one it is truth!! AMEN!! While yes i am going to a new place where there are many unknown the one thing that matter is that the Lord my God will never leave me or forsake me and that alone i know will get me through many a night!
The third i guess charge from this passage is my FAVORITE!!!!!
FOUR time in the next 12 verse the Lord gives the encouragement "BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS" and the context makes these words even more powerful.
1. BS&C- because you will lead people
HELLO- to lead people anywhere with the correct intentions there is a need for the leader to be Strong and Courageous, While i don't know details of what all i will doing i do know there will be some form of leadership and my prayer is that i will lead with the mindset of God given Strangeness and courageousness that is seen as Gods love and not LIZ.
2. BS&C - be careful to obey all the laws
Now i know we are in the old testament days but there still are some guidelines to live my and by living in the way God has called me to live i will Glorify him better then ever before.
3. BS&C - Don't be terrified; do not be discouraged
I think this third one speaks the most to me. I know life come at you so fast sometimes you forget to think about it and you just reacted. the sad thing is that sometimes that reaction is not what is most Christ centered. Going to a far away land and living in the midst of newness is something that is very common in the bible and to find encouragement in that and live by in in the 9 months ahead is necessary. When God calls you to be S&C you need to take it and live by it!
4. BS&C - the last words in the chapter
What a call to place on ones live "Only be strong and Courageous" If nothing else i pray that in my actions my words and my living, that people will see this. A strong women who is living a Christ centered life and who is Courageous with her actions. What good is a live when there is no fruit to go with it. I pray that in the coming season of my life the Strong and Courageous Women i am will grow into a lady of faith and courage not only in words and actions but in daily living.

I will call upon these phrases in the coming months, learn to live a life of being