Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Picture time with LIZ

So the 5 interns went to bend Oregon for a north American missions board meeting!! for three days!! we went rafting and claimed a mountain!! we went to meetings as well!!

Hope you enjoy the pics!

Story Time with Liz

WEll, i guess the time has come for some stories!!

There are about 10 to 12 freshmen involved in the village i co-lead at U of I...
One of the things that the staff highly encourage is meeting with the girls one on one and seeing where they are in life, maybe mentoring or discipleship, or just being in their lives outside of Tuesday night. Well recently i have hung out with many of the girls and to my surprise and Gods grace three of them have expressed interest in getting together weekly to meet and talk with. two girls and i are going to start going through a study of scripture, another girl and me are meeting weekly to just talk an hang out.

I fell like life is starting to become normal. I have a schedule, i know what is coming and what the next day looks like. While there is normal, everyday is different and that allows me to live with a passion!!

I am loving the culture up here and the how open people are to hear why i am here.
I have one more story for you and then i will let you go!!

About a month ago, i work a block party one Sunday. We could not have church in Moscow bc of it but we were allowed to have a booth with information on it! So i sat a table all day and talked to people here and there!! Sometimes this is very taxing with little reward, however, this time was different! I talked to a girl and told her the basics of resonate and what not...she went on her way and i went on with the day. Sadly the next Sunday i was unable to be at church, (i was in bend, Oregon) but when i got back into town from two people i heard the the same thing. "Liz there is this girl and she meet you at the block party and because of that you said to her she decided to come to church and she said everything you said was true and that she was so Happy to have meet you." WOW what a complement an ho exciting!!! So the next Sunday i was sitting at the front of the Church and for some reason i decided to move to the back, at the end of the service the pastor asked us to find someone and just talk about our week and what all we are going through. Well i looked across the aisle and found a girl and then we started to talk!! IT WAS THE SAME GIRL!! HOW AWESOME IS GOD!! we were able to share and talk and she was so thankful for meeting her and talking with her, i just loved it!!

God is doing amazing things and i am privilege to be apart of them!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE sorry it took so long

WOW where does the time go, i am so sorry it has taken me so long to get on here and write some more...since the last post alot has happened!!

Where to start. Well for one the freshmen village is going really well, the students are starting to really bond an get to know one another and form a group!! It has been so exciting to watch God in these students.

The Moscow service is up an running today is the third services, we are all praying for it to go well!! The students at u of i have been very welcoming of the idea of a collegiate church, lets just pray they start to come!

There is a youth village that i am going to be helping out with on Wednesday nights, I am kinda of there to help facilitate discussion and stuff. The first real week is this one coming up, pray that the middle school students will long to come to something that is less game centered and more personal growth centered.

WEll i the biggest news i have is that i went to bend Oregon. I was there sunday through wednesday. It was soooo pretty and alot of fun. The five interns drove down on Sunday, all of us in one car!! It was a blast, to just hang out without work and with launch week behind us. God really brought the 5 of us together as one! While we were in bend the NAMB (north american mission baord) but on a conferance for us and all the other northwest semester missionaries. WE learn what is excpected of us, we put together goals to ourselfs, we learned how to sabbath, There was so much information! it was wonderful. We also had the privelage of staying in this really nice resort and hanging out, we white water rafted! And on the way home we claimed to th top of this water fall, it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Well i will write more later, i am on way to lunch and then to set up for th pullman serivce!!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just an update!!

WEll we have launched the second service...or more like second church! you see at 600 we start in pullman, I then head to moscow at 700 while the pullman service is still going on to set up for the second serives. Around 815 everyone else heads to moscow. Church starts at 830 and then is over around 1000. It is needless to say a long but worth it day!!

This week we had a great turn out and i am so excited to see what GOd is going to do in the coming months. Also the freshman village is going well. I had coffee with the freshmen girls this week and it was a splendid time!! I know i am going to love getting to know them over the coming year!

Womens ministry to about to start in the coming week!! I am so ready to see how this unfolds. There are some amazing women up here and i know God is going to do great things with and through them!

I am getting to know many people up here, pray that friendships are strengthened and held together by Gods hands. God has been faithful to bring people into my walk in the past and he did the same here! I love getting to know people and i know i have some strong friendships and they are just going to strengthen in the coming months! Pray that this be true.

The interns have a retreat in about a week and i am so excited. FOr one we get cool North American mission board backpacks!!! and two we all get to hang out with one another!!!!!

hope yalls week is going well!!

PS just so you know i am working on Joshua two and will post it in the coming days!!!