Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring break came to an end!

I love spring break and this one was no different. I took my sister to horse camp, hung out with my mom, talked with my dad and then slept, and I enjoyed all of it. I found myself realizing just how blessed I am to have a family like mine. My parents are truly a blessing to my life and helped me to grow and become who I am today. Also this Easter my sister was baptised, which was amazing in and of itself but also because I was baptised on Easter Sunday many years ago. Overall spring break was truly a great time of treasuring those that God gave me for a life time.

I was on my schools "homework" site, this place where my teachers can post assignments for the class to take part in. The weekly journal asked us about this time in our student teaching and how it was going and now that it is coming to an end what we thought of it overall. One of my classmates posted this quote

"You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"

As sat reading this quote I thought to myself, "am i going to miss this, is this something I will someday want back" and as I thought I was reminded that Yes there will be times when I look back on life and go man college was great, or I wish I had taken the time to realize just how good that experience was...but at the same time I know that God leads us into new chapters while closing the door to the previous one just finished. I found that sometimes God slams doors and sometimes I feel as though some are left partly open. However, I know that this door, this closure to college comes like a sweeping breezes, gently enough to close the door, but not hard enough for me to feel the pain that can sometimes come with the moving on, or starting of a new chapter. College was a great time---I meet amazing people, made great memories (making doughnuts, interning, cars, my first apartment, my first "Job", the bsm, going over seas), was lead to the thrown of Christ my some amazing people (the choir at first, the people that came by the CLC and many others). I know that so much of who I am today is because of who God placed in my life over these past four years. I also know that the chapter ahead is one filled with dreams I have not even dreamed yet, people I have prayed for but have never meet, relationships that are truly God centered, places I did not even know where real. So in my life and maybe even in yours there come a time when doors close and i think "Man I am going to miss this, I wish this lasted longer" but then be reminded of the fact that while a new time is coming so is God, our protection. He protected me during many hard times, and through all the great ones and I know that His same protection is going to Washington with me and will continue to be there all the days of my life.
A chapter of encouragement, a few verse that let us in on just how great of a protector our GREAT GOD is------Psalm 121

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Four Months

SO it hit me this week that in four months from now i will be in washington!!!! WOW!
I have 14 more days with the kindos that school, which really means that i have two weeks of teaching and four days of observing other classes. I am so excited, in a going to miss them but ready to move on kinda of way....
If you read this please be in prayer for me, I applied for a job yesterday and i really am in need of a job for this summer and so it would be nice....i will keep yall posted!!
My sister is getting baptisted tomorrow!!! God is sooo amazing!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Three MORE weeks!!!

SO i only have three more weeks, till the end of my student teaching!!!! I have truely enjoyed this time together with my teacher and the kids. It was a completly different environment then any of the past times i have spent in class. My teacher has been great i really have learnded alot. But saying that i am now starting to count down!!! i have 22 days of school time left!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Burger Bar

So today i was eating diner witha friend at place called buger bar. While seating at the table i started to people watch (something I do well). At the table next to where i was seating was a table of two girls the whole time they were disussing the churches that they each were attending.
I find it interesting that many times i see people and they are discussing the church they attend and i start to pay more attention to the what is said and how the tone and the words.
These girls here tonight where talking about how church in order for it to be true fellowship there must be community and deep fellowship. HOwever over their disscusions i realized that what they were in need of was not fellowship or community but somewhere where they ould do the things they loved with people they love as well.
People need to know that what they are doing is ok and good in the eyes of those they love. Churchfor many people is about finding a place to belong where you are the odd ball but rather the norm. These girls, from what i rathered what fun activities to complete with their friends that went to chruch.
I just have one question about this theory. How are we who are called to be different, called to live out a different life then those around us. HOw can that be seen when we constantly surround ourselves with Chirstians and go to wordly places with Christians and are seen living a life many non christians would lead themselves. what makes me different from the next person? Is church about proving a place for chirstians to meet and hang out and stay or a place for people to learn about God, learn how to live it out and a place to surround themselves with encourgment, so that when the believers go out into the world they are encourgaged they are built up..after chruch going out into the world should be easy. because GOd is with us and wants us to share His word with people. That means going to a place where people may not want to go. We have to be a light even if it is not the cool chirstian thing to do.

these are the thought that through my head everyday....sorry if they are kinda of random.