Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Skiing, speeding, and talking fast


Oh yeah you read right, I went skiing. I wish I had pics to prove it but you are just going to have to trust me! I went to sliver mountain and hung out with some great friends. I spent the morning in a lesson. My friends are really good, so they took off and I headed to the bunny slope! OH YEAH!! IT was a blast. Who knew I would love it so much. I fell less the 20 times and that was my goal! I went down a green went down is relative but it was AWESOME. I even spent some time on my bottom sliding down the mountain because it was so steep. HAHA But i have great friends and they stuck it out with me. LOVE IT!


Oh yes I received a ticket but dont worry I will not have to pay it i believe. I will have a court date here soon. Ill let you know when. I think it should be ok.


WEll, we all know i am good at this. Talking comes easy. however, talking to new pople i just did not know how this was going to work. I walked into the commons with two friends today and the goal was to meet a new person and have a conversation. Seems simple enough no big deal. Well, it was not that hard at all. We sat down by a girl who was by herself and we just started talking! Love it. WE found out all kinds of stuff about her and then she became interested in our lives and that always opens doors. It was so good. I am loving what GOd is doing. HE is turning the bad into good. He is moving me to new levels of love for him. Allowing him to love me allows me to love others. it came so easy today.

LOVE! who knew, it will change lives this year!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I need some prayer, this new year has been more of a transition then the first go around in august, and many days i fell attacked. The hard thing is, is i am learning so much about God and who he is that there is this counter balance in life. I know i am where God wants me, yet i am hurting. Please, know this is hard to write, yet i know there are those of you who read this and i wanted you to please pray for me and resonate and my friends in the coming days and weeks. I love yall all so much and i know God is up to something good. I can not wait to tell you all about it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


WEll, there have been some changes to the blog a new tag line at the top, a new background, some new photos for you to view...i'll try and keep those up to date...and a new about me section!!

New Year

I have been sick all of 09...who can say that, i can. I even caught this really gross bug thing that has been going around moscow. NOT GOOD However, it did allow me sometime alone, but not to process or to deep think but rather to lay in bed and wait for the hour to come, did i mention it was gross. Thankfully i made it through and now i am feeling much better. Toast is my friend and so is sprite. I cleaned my apartment and now i am doing laundry. I need hangers, i have to many clothes. It is a problem.

Thinking on the 2008
I was home for about two and half weeks and one would think i would have processed the last 5 months during that time, but if you know me you know this is not how i work. I wait till the need and then think through. Well the last few days at home i went to debriefing and was kinda of forced into thinking through the last few months and once i started thinking i could not stop. SO here are some of my thoughts from the year that was 08

1. Community is deeper and purer then anything i could have ever thought of before. God opened my eyes to what meaningful time with friends and deep community is these past few months. MAN what a joy it is to have a little glimpse of what community is or was meant to be. The down side is now i have standards for myself. Well i thought this was a down side and then these past few days i was able to come to terms with the idea that this is a good thing. Making time for others, placing people before self, and learning that the world around me is my community and now it is time to take care and to really care for the world around me, the place i am living in, the place i call mine, it is time to care for them with an open heart.

COMMUNITY has a whole new meaning in 2009

2. Collage degree with no use at the moment. I always new i wanted to teach. I can think back to the times i went to my aunts school and sat and watched her teach, i can remember teaching in my room as a child...i always taught the year below i was in...in high school i gave up two electives to teach in a fifth grade classroom...why, because i knew it was for me. Collage was an easy choice SFA has one of the best education programs in state. I am a prepared teacher of 4-8 grade science and yet i sit here without using this sheet of paper. Sadly, it is one of the hardest parts of life right now. I guess hard is relative. God allowed me to get this degree, to meet people, to touch students lives and then through going to SFA allowed me to find out about pullman and now here i am. SO i know my time was not wasted by sometimes i wonder if i will ever teach or if the degree was get me to this place in life.

Life will be what GOd desires and not what i think in 2009

3. I love to write and have been given this passion. The past few months i have not allowed this side of me to show. That is something i decided to change in 09. I want to share the words i have been given and not hide them away. My dad said some very meaningful words to me while i was home and they sparked this in me. So i will write more in the coming months and days. Yall can kinda of hold me accountable to this. Writing allows me process and to think and to give light to the insights i have. Holding these inside does me no good. It hinders learning what GOd has for me.

Writing will mean more in 2009

SO, these are some of my thoughts as 09 starts to take shape. I pray this flame in me will stay strong in the coming months that will make up this year.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Back in Pullman

WEll, the weather was nice and coming back to pullman was not as hard as getting to dallas. I am still kinda of not feeling up to par, but i am having a good time. Alot of my friends are back as well, and so we all hung out last night. It was good to be back and to kinda have a norm again.
We have a staff meeting today and hopefully it should give some clarity to this coming semester!! I am really looking forward to it all. I have a renewed spirit and I know GOd is up to something Good.!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What a way to start the new year!

So i am sick!! I have been sick for like four days now...if you think about it, i have been sick all of 2009! LAME!!