Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh Yeah I'm a CLIFF Jumper! are you?

There are 3 things I know to be true in this world…

1. Tell me I can not and I will

2. Tell me No and most times I will work until it is a Yes

3. Tell me you wish I would but you know I will not…and I will

Notice a trend here…I WILL…

So here’s the deal. My friends (Jacob, Jordan and Drew) all said I could not, all said I would not and all said they wished I would but that I would not. Little did they know that was all it took to get me to do…

Yeah that’s right I jumped off a 30 foot cliff into water! TWICE! I know, I know, scary, I could have gotten hurt and not to mention that at times I am very accident prone and this had accident written all over it. But do not worry I did not hurt myself unless you consider this…

(So i forgot to upload the pick...just trust me it is BAD)

Hurt…but it is ok, the burse on my butt and thigh is about 10x worse, I mean I can only sit for about 25 min and then times up and need to stand. To be honest I brought a pillow to staff meeting and sat on it. Four hours was to long on those hard chairs!

So incase you were wondering the burse came from the second time I jumped. The first was no big, I enjoyed the jump. I did it really fast, I shook my arms, watched my friends jump and then went for it. Step, step and jump! Into the air I flew and then kept flying and kept flying…Until I thought man I’m falling, and then BANG into the water I went! I enjoyed it greatly. I mean the thrill was cool but the look on my friends faces was worth it all!! Jacob’s face was GREAT!

Time number two came..This is the time I jumped for myself! The first jump was not a choice it was a have to, the first jump had no preconceived ideas about it….FREE FALLING was all I knew was about to happen. Jump two on the other hand was for myself, to prove to me that I could jump whenever I wanted. Time number two had ideas that went with it, jump number two had thoughts running through my head of the thrill of falling and scariness of jumping off a rock.

So I went for the jump, climbed to the top of the rock and stood there for about 20 min. I allowed others to go and waited in line numerous times trying to psych myself up for jumped number TWO! AHHH is all I have to say…Jump 2 hurt!!! For those watching it hurt and more importantly for me it hurt!

So here I am I now unable to sit for prolong periods of time but more importantly I am a cliff jumper…if anyone asks! I WILL, I CAN, and I DID!!!

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