Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On the Road Agian!

Well just to keep yall in the know, I leave for New Mexico tomorrow morning around 830 here or 1030 Texas time! We are taking about 30 people to glorieta for collegiate week! I am so excited. I have only heard good thing about this camp and know it is going to unite all of us going before the school year begins!

I was asked to be on the northwest mission committee. This group of people checks into mission trips for the summer of 09 and then goes through the applications and interviews students in the spring and decides where to place them for the summer. I super excited to see where that leads.

We are driving there and so it is very close to same drive me and my mom just finished. I am going in thinking positivly and know that God is going to use this drive just as much as he is going to use the week that lies after it.

Pray that Gods will for all us will be shown. That we will be broken before the throne.

Thank yall so much for you support and if i can ask a favor and that is if you are reading this and you have a moment to spare please leave a comment. I can not tell you how encouraging it is to get on here and see that people are interested in what is going on and well that you are thinking of me.

I miss you all!



Anonymous said...

I'll be the first to comment today and let you know that I check your site frequently!!! I almost left you a comment to update the other day...but I thought I'd be patient!!! I am most definitely excited to read this and see what's going on with you!!! Y'all be careful on your trippytrip! I'm praying for you everyday!!! I love you Liz!!!...Your favorite Mississippian...Kristin =)

Anonymous said...

I just thought that I would let you know that you have a Uncle that is proud to see you follow the Lord in all that he ask, and you have the gift to not fear what is ahead because your faith tells you that God is in control. Love ya and look forward to read what around the bind.>>>>>>Uncle Matt

Anonymous said...

ELIZABETH!! glad to finally get an update. Ive been looking forward to it. Send me your address. We miss you in nac. Love you!!!!

-Joni :)

Anonymous said...

Liz we are praying you will have a great trip. We will be waiting to read all about it. thank you for your up date in Pullman. We know GOD has great things ahead for your year in Pullman.WE are so proud of you and what your life means to us. LOVE YOU NANNIE AND PAPAW. MISS YOU

Katie said...

how fun to come across your blog! i am praying for you!! it sounds like you are having a great time as well as the Lord is doing wonderful things in and through you....dig deep into Christ and people during this time!!