Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just a little update!!

So i love when God just shows himself when you are sitting in the car with a friend and talking over the day and go OH WOW GOD IS AMAZING!!

Well you see i just had one of these moments, one of my friends molly (fellow intern) got the job of putting together the tables for the displays that are on campus. The tables have vintage suitcases on them and then inside these are fliers for the church and different items. (they are opened on the tables, they are cool i promise)

Well up till now all i have seen is a cool table layout nothing really more. Tonight we were sitting in my car talking about how when we catch the passion God has for us it is contagious to all those around us. When following Gods will, his passion will grow in us and that will be seen by others and will allow us to let the small things go. TO move on from what is right in front and see the big picture and enjoy the view! While we are talking about this, molly mentions how much she has seen GOds provision over us this week and how He has been in all the little details and putting together these events and the people and Provide strength, rest and peace to us.

I am sitting there and I smile when it comes to mind that all of out tables have suitcase on them. What is a suitcase? It protects, it holds, it carries, to allows movement of objects. I know that to some this may seem like nothing put to me this is a beautiful picture of God in my life these past few weeks! He has been my suitcase, if you will. He has allowed me to move here to Pullman, He has allowed me to see U of I and have a heart for the people there. God has been my protection in times of crisises, he has held and is caring me through many of the tasks set before me here in Washington. and i am loving watching God move in me in and surround my life and incapture it to be all he needs. Which brings me back to the suitcase, that is what a suitcase is, it surrounds the objects in it and takes to where ever one chooses. You see God choose for me pullman and i am seeing daily him protect and surround me and travel with me to where ever he chooses to take me!!

God is awesome!! I am learning more and more!



Anonymous said...

Liz yhis update is great.
Love you Nannie

Anonymous said...

This post is so encouraging!! Thanks for taking the time to share it!! - Sandy

Anonymous said...

Liz, hope you had a great Sunday! The insight God is giving you is awesome. Miss you, Love, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...


I wish I had more time to read your woprds everyday. I am moved by the way God is using you and the way that you are allowing him to use you. I just wanted you to know we miss you and it is Great to be setting in your car and see the wonders of God feel your mind.

Uncle Matt