Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dreams that become a reality

Since my freshman year of college when I fell in love with idea of doing ministry and more specifically wanted to woman's ministry, I never thought this day would come.

When I heard Marian Jordan speak for the first time the August before I moved up to Washington, I never thought I would see her up here.

When I was searching the web for new ideas and ways to do ministry I never thought I would run across this.

When I sat in front of my computer screen pondering how to bring Marian to Washington I never thought she would have a ticket purchased to come and speak here.

When I was putting together binders of a presentation for hosting an event on these campus I never thought the staff would go for it.

When I worked at a camp and lost all contact with the world I never thought a date would be set.

When I came back and set up a meeting I never thought an hour later I would be more connected then ever.

When I meet with Presidents to talk over whether or not this could happen I never thought they would let us openly talk about the Lord.

When I was in the meeting I never thought 10 minutes later I would walk out with a new goal in life.

When money was no where to be found and chance letter opened the door to thousands of dollars I never thought God would not provide.

When contact was made with Marian and Jourdan I never thought they would be to busy to come.

When flights were going to over $800 I never thought God would not provide cheaper ones.

When a team needed to be put together I never thought God wouldn't give me clear vision as to who to be on it.

When paintings need to be painted I never thought we had so many artistic people in our team.

When promo stuff needed to be made and order I never thought they could not do it.

Now Marian is coming, Now Jourdan is coming, now plane tickets are bought, now the sororities are excited, now the promo stuff is done, now the team has been together for months, now money has come in.

God's hands has been everywhere in the mist of the last year of my life. God's hands have been on girls hearts since before this was even a thought. God's hands have been preparing for this event since before Resonate thought of it.

I can not convey how excited I am, how nervous I am, how in awe I am. God is so faithful. The last year of my life has been a roller coaster of great moments and in 14 days I know there is going to be a another great thing.

In 14 days this event becomes a reality, in 14 days girls lives will be changed forever, in 14 days prayers will be answered, in 14 days hearts will hear the name of God for the first time, in 14 days we have the opportunity for a revival on the campuses of WSU and UofI.

Seating in a coffee shop thinking of all that's left to do and all that will get gone, I pray for the people, I pray for the lives, I pray for the hearts, for the ears, for the thoughts, for the conviction, for the women, for the sister. Because they, the people, make it all worth it. They are the reason.

God grant us grace in the midst of the next few weeks. God grant us peace in the coming weeks. God be the women in the coming weeks. God open their hearts for this night. God allow change to occur.

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